Why you Should Write yourself a Check


Image Credit-:techchecks.net

We all want to achieve financial freedom in our life. achieving financial freedom is a long term process. We have to set some financial target, without financial target and effort we can not achieve financial freedom. Basic thing of financial freedom start with money saving habit and increasing you income with some additional thing you can do to earn money.

Who is Rich and who is Poor ?

In a study it shows that who are earning more and living a luxurious life are not rich instead f those who earn more but control their expanses are rich in real sense.

Image Credit-:Wikimedia.org

Let's understand This with an example let's assume Ramesh earn Rs.100000 ($1390 Approx.) per month and live in a luxurious home of rent 40000($555) per month. Ramesh have a luxurious car of EMI Rs. 20000($277) per month. His wife also do lots of shopping and Ramesh also use credit card which he struggle some time to pay the due. Ramesh earn more but no control over unnecessary expanses.

On the other hand if we take the example of warren buffet who earn more but live very simple life are the real rich people. Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway have major stake in four biggest airline companies but does not have his own charted plane. Writing a check to yourself means setting a financial target for yourself. You must see that check every morning and try hard or find some way to generate some additional income to reach the amount of that check.
Jim Carrey figure at Madame Tussauds Hollywood
Image Credit-:Flickr.com

Let's take an example,during year 1990 Jim Carry was struggling a lot while driving his old Toyota car to Los angles, he write a check of amount of $10 million to himself dated on thanksgiving day of year 1995 and added the notation "for acting service rendered" and kept in his wallet. After the huge box office success of Ace VenturaPet Detective ,The Mask his asking price had risen to $20 million . Jim carry optimism and tenacity eventually paid of by 1995.

Taking things lightly living in comfort zone are some common behavior of human being. Human works and act differently once it has target and deadlines. Writing a Check means applying a pressure on yourself to achieve your financial target else you will enjoy your comfort zone.

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