Let the Dead Leaves Drop, A life Lesson from Tree


You may have seen in summer season especially in Asian countries, trees with no leaves. Most of us think that it happens because tree is not getting water and essential minerals from its root . trees intentionally does that to drop dead leaves to save from dehydration. This is a Important lesson that we can learn from Trees to leave the load of past and move ahead.

Most of us have dark side of life which we share with our loved one or we keep it private. We feel regret for our past mistake that bring disappointment in our present life. it is ok, if your present is not good or you are going to very tough time. just remember one thing pain of present will be memory in future. you may have faced tough situation in your past and it seems like a bad dream today.

There is no point to carry the load of past, no point to regret for your past mistake. Just let it go, release the pressure and thank the God for everything you Have.

Thanks for Reading.....

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