Clarify Your Vision of Ideal Life


Definition of Ideal life is different from Person to Person someone want to live Royalist life and someone want to live for other. as per my point of view a ideal life is someone one should live life in such a way that their life should put positive impact on society and return back what God given in form of doing good deeds for the society.

If you are at X location and want to go at Y location then you must know everything about X location you must define and realize your dream at this location otherwise you can not reach at Y location.

Our vision for life is a big thing using mind mapping technique, we can divide our ideal life dream into number of segment or in small target achieving those small dream means achieving you ideal life dream below are the small goal of ideal life dream.

  1. Vision for work.
  2. Vision for career.
  3. Vision for finance.
  4. Vision for Health.
  5. Vision for Fitness
  6. Vision for relationship.
  7. Contribution for larger community.

Take on of the goal on priority basis and work on it and monitor the performance on equal interval of time.

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“Pardon my grammar, English is not my native tongue.”

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