Our world is our thoughts, the way our thought process,the way we make our world. bad time good time it is all depend on our thought and how we react or handle situation. seeing positiveness in tough time is an art. if we compare our life with other and increase our expectation, we will always remain unhappy. this world is a stage of drama. where everyone has to play different character, so there is no point to compare your life with other.
Bad time change our life and everything around us looks like hell. when bad time comes it bring opportunity, it is depend upon person how use it. whatever happens in our life there is a meaning of it, because God is great.
I read a story on Quora, where a engineer was delivering food on Zomato to recover his debt. He said my debt forced me to find another way to earn money on weekends. before my debt i was enjoying my weekends doing shit things. Due to food delivery job on Zomato, i am getting chance to interact with people. when people appreciate my effort, it feels good. even after my debt recovery i will continue part time delivery job.
My bad time taught me lot that money is must have thing to be happy and to have good relation with people around us. It is true that bad time bring opportunity to do the things which we have never did in the past. bad time force us to experiment with life. if you are not experimenting you are not learning enough.
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